Registered: 3 years ago
Pain can cause emotional distress, including frustration, anxiety, anger, and a sense of helplessness or even hopelessness. In the Western world, acupuncture has been used as an alternative pain therapy for quite some time. For centuries however, it has been an established medical tool in the Eastern world. There are external sources that influence the amount of pain. In addition, the amount of pain is influenced by internal states that are themselves often affected by external events. If your pain interrupts your concentration and daily activities or makes it difficult to work, enjoy your leisure time, or sleep, it's time, or past time, to do something about it. Mind-body techniques which include meditation, mindfulness, and breathing exercises (among many others), help you restore a sense of control over your body and turn down the "fight or flight" response, which can worsen chronic muscle tension and pain. The pain we experience reflects how concerned our body’s natural alarm system (our nervous system) is about a particular movement or body part for example. The pain you feel may reflect a true threat to the body, but just as often, it does not. Persistent pain is caused by health problems like arthritis or nerve damage like in diabetes. Sometimes pain is very difficult to describe. Back pain is unfortunately very common and most can be treated in the community or local pain clinic. Early management of low back pain is accessed through your GP and may involve exercise and medications. The pain experience can be relieved with treatments such as Prolotherapy which are available in the UK.The pain that you push your way through might be incapacitating to someone else. Pain-inducing spine problems, which tend to be more common among people over 65, tend to limit physical activity. Often, with these spine conditions, the spinal bones or the cartilaginous discs in between the spinal vertebrae compress the spinal nerves and other structures near the spine, causing pain. In some cases, pain originates from a psychological condition. Treatment for pain depends may be a medicine or non-medicine treatment, depending on the type of pain, what has caused it and where it is. Living with chronic pain limits what you can do. In some cases, it can lead to what's known as disuse syndrome, which is basically the medical way of saying “use it or lose it.” Pain is not just a sensation but, like hunger and thirst, is an awareness of an action plan to be rid of it. Winter is coming. But your joints knew that. More than half of people living with osteoarthritis (OA) say cold weather affects their pain. It may feel worse or “deeper” than usual—like it’s in your bones. All of us fear pain and doubt our own ability to withstand it. Finding out that a problem is more complex than you originally thought does not usually come as a pleasant surprise. But the complexity of chronic pain is actually good news. It means that trying to fix the body with surgeries, pain medications, or physical therapy is not your only hope. Health care professionals are experts in health conditions, and they can be your most valuable consultants. But you are the expert about your own life and how pain affects your daily life. Pain and other symptoms of injury are lagging indicators. For example, swelling might indicate tissue overuse or strain from poor mechanics. But swelling is an after-the-fact sign. The tissue damage has already occurred. It’s helpful to have a diagnostic tool that can highlight dysfunction and let you know that something is wrong, but only if it is applicable before the fact. We hear it all the time: I’m getting older, so it’s normal to have aches and pains. But is it really? When it comes to back pain, fear is a complex idea with a potential to actually create more back pain. There is evidence that pain-related fear can be seen as a common-sense response to cope when someone is told that their back is vulnerable, degenerating, or damaged. Avoidance of activity and movement can then follow the fear and create back pain. Many people have heard about phantom limb pain, the pain that is felt in the area of an arm or a leg that has been amputated. We now know that this pain is caused by sensitized nerve connections and the creation of neural pathways in the brain. One can unearth supplementary info appertaining to Pain Relief in this the NHS page.
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