Subscreve o meu canal: Klayest / Subscribe my youtube channel: Klayest

Sub4Sub Forums Sub4Sub YouTube Subscreve o meu canal: Klayest / Subscribe my youtube channel: Klayest


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  • #23061

    O meu canal de youtube baseia-se em gameplays, vlogs… Os gameplays mais postados sao CS:GO, Minecraft, Fifa, GTA.
    Por enquanto ainda so sairam videos de Fifa mas mais tarde saira videos de outros gameplays. O horário do canal é: video dia sim, video dia nao…
    Passem aí pelo canal, subscrevam, deixem like, comentem e deem sugestões… Só espero que se sintam felizes ao ver os meus videos. Fuuuiii.
    My youtube channel is about gameplays,vlogs… The gameplays most recorder are CS:GO, Minecraft, Fifa, GTA.
    Right now,just got out Fifa videos but later it will be out more videos about another gameplays. The time for the videos is: video day yes, video day no…
    Pass through myyoutube channel, subscribe, give a like, coment… I just hope youf feel happy seeing my videos. Fuuuiii.


    Hey I’ve subbed you here’s my channel

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