I will be talking to on how you can manage your voice as a singer. Talking to people who says my voice is cracky ,like this and that. To people who say they love music but don’t know how to go about it.To those who think their voice is bad. I have been one of you. what I mean is that I had stage fright, lowself exteem , thought my voice was bad. But I challenged myself to do to start doing things I could not do.
The things you need to do:
1) started singing special songs in gatherings, this removed the fear in my heart.
2)I but up boldness.This took away all the shaking that my voice had. I came to discover that when you sing with boldness your voice takes it shape.but when you start thinking on which voice to sing you will mess up.
3)learn to enjoy the song no matter how your voice is it will bless life’s.
4) Always have a rehearsal time.as a singer you don’t just called get up and start singing ,we don’t do that we rehearse well in our rehearsal time.set a time for rehearsal where you will work your voice with songs.
5) Avoid eating too much red oil.its bad for the voice.
6) aways take a sip of lemon.very good for the voice.
Welcome to tbtsally’s life story as a singer.